Healthy Seeds, Healthy Mind


The research keeps pouring in. Studies on the benefits of Hemp Seed, Oil and Root to the human body are happening at an increasing rate throughout the world. Don’t believe me? You can Google “Hemp Seed Research Studies”, “CBD Research Studies” or “Hemp Health Benefits” (you could start with and you will get thousands of results from studies around the world. One article even suggests that Hemp seeds contain similar fatty acids to those of the human brain and can help prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimers and improve memory, reduce anxiety and depression and improve your mood. It seems that consuming these healthy seeds may truly contribute to a healthy mind, literally.

It has become cliche in America that if you truly believe you can achieve something, then you certainly will!  A positive mindset contributes to a healthy mind as well. This is true in research, in physical performance and even in business. Belief, MINDSET, is the key to unlocking new heights in almost any endeavor. It is MINDSET above all, mine and yours, that will either limit us from reaching or elevate us toward our goals. And, it is the new positive mindset toward this re-emerging industry that has me so fired up right now. 

I believe that we can move as a people toward new heights by embracing the benefits of HEMP and letting go of our prejudice toward the psychoactive effects of it’s cousin. I do not promote the idea of getting “high” for the sake of getting high any more than I would promote the idea of getting drunk for the sake of getting drunk. But if beer had all the healthy benefits of CBD rich Hemp Oil, I might just be taking a new look at that as well. 

If you want to explore the possibility of reaching your financial goals by taking part in the HEMP movement, then come check out what is going on at